PUBLIC NOTICE: Please, beware of pretenders. My name is Valentine Oduenyi. I currently have no Facebook account, no account on Instagram, none on Whatsapp, none on YouTube, none on X (i.e. formerly Twitter), none on Reddit and none on TikTok. This means that I am not any of those “Valentine Oduenyi” you see there. So please, do not let anybody deceive you. The Internet brims with impostors and scammers. Always ignore them. Thanks for understanding. Cheers from Switzerland!

“Mysteries are the breaths of our universe. They could be felt but not seen.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“This world is a vast pasture. To succeed, we must shepherd one another.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Facts do not change just because we view them from different perspectives. Our perception of them is what changes.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Future consists of time and secrets. It is the greatest mystery of all. The fear of the unknown is a precaution; not cowardice. It evokes faith, drives prudence, and instills sedulity. The orderliness of attitude depends on it.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Kindness is the only question whose answer is gratitude.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Love never dies. It endures forever. What die in us are the fondness which stem from passion; and the infatuation born out of obsession. Love is universal remedy. It is always in stock. Drugs do expire and treatments may change. But remedies are eternal. They are the redemption which only love provides.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Happiness is a terminus: there are many ways to reach it.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“One does not need to be rich or famous in order to leave enduring legacy in this world. Just plant a tree; ensure that it grows, and your footprints will remain in the sands of time. Anybody can do this. Talent, high education and job experience are not really required for your work to last for centuries.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Rumors can be as malignant as tumors. Avoid them by all means.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Photography is the epitome of art. Nothing is more accurate. Sketching and painting yield fine results. But talk of precision imagery, flawless rendition, and time-value of work; and you will appreciate paparazzi. I have always loved cameras, their lenses, and their sensations of vision. Imagine a world without light! In it colors would die, beauty would hide, observation would abscond, and photography becomes irrelevant.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“To soar above mountains, we must emulate eagles; not canaries.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“I am a traveler. Life is a vehicle whose destination is death. I have dampened my sorrows and worries. All trepidations are gone. My thoughts are the treasures which give me pleasure. The mind is a Godly gift. It is superior to music because it harbors sights and sounds.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Patience is a coat sold by adversity. It is good, affordable, and protective despite the shabby feel. Those who wear it evade sorrow, because they can borrow strength from tomorrow.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Whenever integrity dies, trust mourns because truths are made orphans.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Aging is a journey everything makes. Those that could not make history would become history.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Breaths deepen when the symphonies of summer die. Autumn is my rebirth. Its floral serenity soothes the soul. Botched sleep could not sink my dreams. I dream while awake because I have to write them down.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“I would rather be courageous than honorable. Courage is self-empowering; honor is empowerment from others.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The tombs of dreams are in memories, but the spirits of thoughts endure forever.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Memory is the luggage we carry on our life’s journey. I’m glad that mine is full of family and friends.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Being positive is not all about smiles and merriment. It entails confronting adversities with unremitting resolve.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“As we better our present and plan for the future, we dilute the impurities of our past.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Time is the difference between mortality and immortality.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The dumb speak with their eyes because they know that you will listen with your heart.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Light is the most beautiful thing anyone can see. Without it we are all in darkness.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Our past is the foundation of our present, just as our present becomes the pillar of our future.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The biggest truths reside in the smallest things. That is why nothing controls paradox like mystery, and nobody authors mysteries like God.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Intelligence is to wisdom what experience is to knowledge.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Rivalry does not exist until one is competent enough to compete.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Hate vends discontent, but when love rules the mind, joy is magnified.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Progress, courage and confidence are best nurtured by ignoring the scale of your task and forging ahead with it.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The painful thing about lies is not that you could be lied against. It is that people would believe those lies without hearing beyond the lying mouth.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Beauty is the patron saint of arts. It sponsors drawings, paintings, sculptures, photography, and even music. Only within it could tranquility be truly experienced.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“History is the greatest database of all. Straddling between places, events, and even people; with it we could mirror our past while building our future.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Ideas travel everywhere and interact with everyone. That explains why I found geniuses in every town and saw beauties in every street.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Love is the flower for all seasons. Its fulcrum is beyond romance. Being the cloak of kindness, it serves as a star which radiates all other virtues.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Love throbs and pulsates in every soul. Let us write love stories on the hearts of men, so that when we’re gone they would have something nice to read. The impacts of a beautiful person are memorable; those of a kind person are everlasting.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

”Trigonometric harmonies rule our world. Their tales are deep, and their antonyms are fun. As the sun drives our earth, the moon caresses its oceans: leaving us no better proof as to why mathematics is the greatest parable in science.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Science may unravel and technologies may advance; but without the refinement of mind, man will never be civilized.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Possessions are like ponds waiting to evaporate. All we amass now must be surrendered later. What we become—as per how we lived, is the only thing about us which will endure.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Societies are like dogs. When you flourish, they wag their tails for you; but when you falter, they bark at you.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Folly is one of the woes of life. That explains why a university certificate is required in order to be a lawyer, whereas winning an election is all it takes to be a lawmaker.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Nothing humiliates us like poverty. The prevalence of penury in a world, which lavishes trillions of dollars per decade on deadly weapons, is a testament of our stupidity.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Help the needy and be kind to all. The poor and the homeless are the unsung tenants of human conscience.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The beauty of friendship manifests on our bodies. But the strength of that beauty dwells in our souls. It is invincible. It remains invisible. That is why soul-searching is an art.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Sometimes, an element of illusion is required in order to be creative. That is why the best edifices are built in dreams. But only those dreams which were sowed in spring could be harvested in autumn.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Statesmen are the vitamins which this world lacks. Our growths have stunted due to that. The prayer of every nation should be that their politicians metamorphose into statesmen. Without such a transformation the fruits of democracy will remain unripe.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Our world is run by politicians who misunderstood it, corrupted by cartels that never appreciated it, and undermined by gangs who disdained it. Now, assuming that you must paint your dreams, which colors would you choose?”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The best way to curb expectations is to contradict them; the best way to deceive people is to convince them; and the best way to tame dissents is to daunt them: all because the best way to sway minds is to fascinate them.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Beauty is not the finest thing eyes see. It is the sweetest thing hearts feel.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Romance is the most turbulent part of love. It is an ocean whose currents lure poor swimmers. Yet, the only way to drown is to refuse to buoy.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Just as beauty glows when there is light, so does goodness manifest where there is love.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Beauty makes the first impression, attitude utters the last word. Attitude is the oil which lubricates human character.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Of all the causes worth championing, love is paramount. And I mean love for humanity, animals and mother earth. Nothing infuses completeness the way love does. With it, everything falls into place.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Love is the greatest gift you can give, the best reward you can get, and the highest success you can achieve. It is within everybody’s reach: that is why adversities fear it.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The most painful gangrene festering on our world is childhood-suffering. And to alleviate it only two measures ought to be implemented: prevent all wars and improve every economy.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“War is adjacent to hell. It is the depth of depravity. To understand the meaning of evil, one should scan through the legacies of wars. Their horrors are self-evident.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Illusion and fantasy share boundaries with reality. Their insipid effects manifest when we blur those boundaries.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Life is temporal. Its realities are often cold and harsh. Poverty swings like a pendulum; and love remains far away. I wish that the foundations of kindness could be built in every heart.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Help is the easiest job in the world. Each of us can do it. Anybody can help anyone. No experience is required.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Treachery is another name for betrayal. It is the only thing that can defeat bravery. Both the strong and the weak fear it. Family and friends withhold trust because of it. It is like tooth-decay. The onset employs stealth, which is buried in gleaming flatteries. This is in turn masked by an unmistakable semblance of normalcy. That is why the outcome is so painful; and full recovery almost nonexistent.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“In the absence of calamities, men waste their time mourning all the goodies which they felt eluded them. But the occurrence of one setback reminds them of how unappreciative of normalcy they had been.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Love is the most important language that exists. Kindness is its main dialect. Each of us can speak it fluently. We all understand it perfectly. Even dogs and cats recognize it. Imagine how sweet our lives could be, if we show one-another love!”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Happiness is the best item anyone can have. Love is its biggest producer. Take away those two, and you see rich folks feeling impoverished.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“A man is a tangible poem. His days are new stanzas. His demise will be the last line. He who views life as an investment knows the coefficient of wisdom. His future is a variable contour which permeates the dynamics of life. That is why he eats to hunger again; and drinks only to thirst again. Fulfillment becomes a measure of how much of his wakeful hours actually belong to him. Beauty is the obsession of his eyes. But, his heart longs for the goodness of all those lurking around it.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Look at a clock. What do you see? It is not time that you see there. No timepiece actually shows us time. All we are allowed to observe is its journeys through time. Time is the greatest traveler. Its journey is perpetual; and its destination is infinite. Life is a function of time. The fate of all living things is death. Time will outlive us all. It will not die. But someday, it will perform the solemn duty of apportioning us our times of death. We never have enough time because the job of time is to keep us busy.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The beauty of earth is life; and the tax which life exerts on earth is death. We cannot escape it because its radius of gyration encompasses everyone. Whoever pays this tax becomes lonely, deprived of all earthly possessions; and yet, not free. This is because graves are nothing but jails in which the dead are held captive. Whoever thinks that suicide confers freedom deludes himself. Our graves are mere prisons. They are the last pension for our toils in life. A token of acknowledgement!”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“This world is rich, beautiful, and practically lacks nothing. Our global resources are enough to sustain our current population several times over. If this is a world where people are sincere, considerate, and kind, most of the miseries we encounter would have been fairy tales. But as our mismanagements blur our visions, we kill our ambitions. That is why abject poverty exists. And in the absence of dreams, nightmares will rule.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The plights of poor children are always on my mind. Millions of them are in every corner of our globe. Pause for a while and imagine what fate throws at them. Each time your kids dine and waste leftovers, remember a poor child who is somewhere slowly starving to death. It is disheartening knowing what a poor man feels.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Bad economy mimics war. It caresses those who instigated it while pummeling innocent bystanders. The biggest flaw in capitalism is that any influential entity can undermine it significantly.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Economic sanction has never subdued any leader; rather, it impoverishes the masses: forcing many parents to withdraw their children from school. Those kids are sent to work in order to escape starvation. If children are punished for the politics of their leaders, then, what does ‘Human Rights’ mean?”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“A fulfilled life requires three ingredients: love, wisdom and faith. Love rules, wisdom coordinates, and faith professes. God established the parameters of Science and Arts. All we have to do is discover them.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Life simulates a cyclic quadrilateral whose four sides radiate love, joy, sadness, and mysteries. Its supplementary angles gyrate spring, summer, autumn, and winter. The encompassing circle reflects our universe.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“War is the crudest form of barbarism. It portrays man at his worst; and trivializes everything his civilizations stand for. Under the guise of war, moral bankruptcy ensures that all conceivable crimes are committed. Both the attacker and the defender become losers. Victory is overrated because no matter your strength, you will not emerge unscathed. Your new acquisitions will include: fresh graveyards, numerous orphans, and huge material deficit. Such belligerent wounds may never heal.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Our wisdom needs repair. We conceal our stupidities under the blankets of civilization. It defies logic that we preach nonviolence; despise thugs who brawl in the streets; but would turnaround and praise other thugs as heroes, after all they did was kill people in war.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Tears of joy are misconceptions. Nobody mourns delight. Our eyes are like melting plateaus whose gardens of water create tidal waves. It is upon these waves that human emotions float.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The barometers of life are inconstant. That is the reason why I dine with the rich but drink with the poor. Generosity is not a habit. It is a shadow in every heart. The sorrows of sufferings cultivate adaptations. It is during incarcerations that men learn to be free. Yes, we are the prisoners who traveled frequently in our dreams. By so doing, we became free.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Love is a necessity for everyone. It is available everywhere. It is obtainable from anyone. Yet, it remains so elusive for many of us. This must be a crazy world.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The fountains of knowledge sustain the wisdom of men. But wisdom without prudence evokes insanity. We can never learn enough. Our lifetimes are too short for that. Experts are not those with complete understanding of things. They are the few who have striven beyond the average man. Complete understanding of any phenomenon is impossible. This is true because infinity is the irony of knowledge.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“If growing-up was an option, I would still be a kid. Children are the best people in the world. Their bodies are crisp and cute. Their souls glow with innocence. My childhood was my best school. Kids learn all the time. Whoever comes in contact with them becomes a temporary teacher. All a kid does is watch and learn. Their sense of observation is profound. And their capacity to assimilate is inexhaustible. Maturity is the only advantage in growing-up. Every other thing is a disadvantage.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The biggest blunder in a relationship is to seek a dream partner. Such an illusion remains a mirage. Nobody was born complete. That is why character-development is a lifelong process. Love, patience, and sensibility are the guardians of life. All dreams defer to them. Whoever possesses a loving heart, a patient body, and a sensible mind is the most precious gem on two legs. He or she can surmount all the tempestuous flames of life. Such a person is the bed on which sweet dreams are realized.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Goodness abounds in everyone; but greatness stems from personality optimization. The best folks are not necessarily the richest and the most famous. They are the most generous. What sets them apart are their big hearts, which circulate kindness wherever they go.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Wicked act doesn’t come cheaply. The perpetrator realizes its hidden costs only when the indemnity is due.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Goodness is prettier than beauty. It adds completeness. A good person is a wholesome treasure. He or she is the ultimate prize in the universe.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Love is supreme. It embodies kindness. Alongside mercy, it transcends every other virtue. But justice remains the eternal architect of law. If properly administered, it propagates truth: thereby nourishes hope, consolidates faith, designs peace, and soothes our conscience. No adversity can withstand the power of love. No tribulation can overwhelm the realm of compassion. And no loss can efface the dedication of justice. A well-nurtured mind is priceless. Like a wise council, it is capable of great things.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Truth is latent but potent. It is the most resilient force I know. Our reputations depend on it because only truth decides whether trust lives or dies.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Education glows brighter than sun. It is the garden where knowledge grows. If manured with intelligence, the harvests will include diligence.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Cartoon is the most polite form of mockery. The eloquence of an artwork exceeds the creativity of an artist. But madness becomes an art when insane images convey sane messages.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The most intriguing thing about life is that every being has a right to it. The most baffling thing about it is that none of these beings understood it.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“I fancy royals in their full regalia; but, appreciate those who fight doggedly. If life is a battle, with which royal rank do you fight?”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Tolerance is the wisdom to accept disadvantages; because the culture of vulture ruins future.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The mind governs the body. It decides what it does: even as it remains a mere tenant to it.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Life, like light, often creates shadows. One must persevere in those shadows in order to bask in light.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“You don’t need to be a genius in order to think. You only have to put your mind to it.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The bottom of the pile is often the first to criticize.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Time and strength are great sojourners. Make them your companions.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Tonight may seem bleak and gloomy but nothing can stop the morning from dawning.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Complete wisdom is divine. No human has it.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Beauty is like a mask; any character could be behind it.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Only in the library of folly can reticence be understood.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Friendships and relationships may foster, but marriage remains the ultimate union of hearts.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Intelligence evaporates and condenses just like sea water. As a result, it can be estimated; but cannot be reliably measured.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Truth may be opposed, rejected and ignored; but it can never be invalidated.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Regardless of age, gender, competence and experience, humans are only capable of two things: good and bad.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Beauty is a flexible tool which can be manipulated for any purpose. That’s why ugly items could be beautified; and as well, beautiful things could be uglified.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Success resides in self-actualization. We are all geniuses at something. Education does not make a genius. Talent does. Excelling in anything requires intelligence. But above all, one’s talent must correspond to it. Only in such harmony could the dedication which rivals fanaticism flourish. Michael Jackson and Albert Einstein would probably have been mediocres, if they were groomed as politicians.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Learning is my inherent pastime. Life is sweeter when I indulge in it. I would rather learn in peace than rest in peace. A teacher, not a preacher, will preside over my funeral. I wish to be buried in a schoolyard, not in a churchyard. So that when no one is around, I will just get up and learn.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Science is a candle in dark hallway. Its flickering flame cannot reveal everything. When placed at the center, we see the most, but are puzzled by peripheral shadows. When placed in one corner, the clarity there improves, but we remain oblivious of what exist in the other corners. Taking this candle around requires a lot of time: by which it must have burnt-out.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Memories make great libraries. They are the esplanades on which pleasures bask.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Life is the only currency that we truly spend. Money simply circulates.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Whenever the conscience is mortgaged, the body becomes worthless.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Fraud is ubiquitous. Therefore, having rogue priests should not deter us from God as much as having corrupt legislators does not deter us from our sense of law and order.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Mankind thrives in contradictions. To estimate how smart or silly any society is, gauge the prevailing politics.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Positivity and negativity ply the same route. Our moods depend on which one we confront.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Time is a revolutionary: in due course, all tangibles would be replaced.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The heart is a chameleon whose motives deride strange circumstances. The mind is a mirror whose reflections colorize the shades of night. Everything that floats on this ocean of gravity professes that God exists. I was taught grammar and calculations at school. But my faith comes naturally. X-rays and other radiations proved that many things exist, which could not be seen, heard, smelt, tasted, touched or felt. The universe is a cesspool of mysteries. Our contrivance is the truth. That is why I pursue Mathematics. Its accuracy and precision are unparalleled. Its scope and patterns depict crosswords which were written in numbers. I have played this game long enough. I wish that everybody could see what I have seen.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Be it in school, at home, or at work, we grapple with the limitations of science daily. Only fools still expect science to explain everything. A scientist who denies the existence of God just because he did not find Him in laboratories or through telescopes, is like a surgeon who refuses to acknowledge the existence of memories, just because he dissected a thousand brains without finding any memory in them.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Symmetry is the relationship between beauty and mathematics.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Rainbows speak seven languages. Of all prophecies, theirs are the most colorful.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“God is the artist who drew, painted, and sculptured science.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“I would rather be a mathematician than a diplomat. Math embodies truth and accuracy. Diplomacy thrives on hypocrisy and sycophancy.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Our past, our present and our future are like the angles of the same triangle. To deal with one, we must understand its relationships with the others.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Time is a bank and we are all borrowers.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Nature harmonizes in opposites. It nurtures night and day, blows hot and cold, fosters wet and dry, and so on and so forth. Balance prevails because it acts masterfully.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Good quotes are stimulants for good thoughts.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The most abundant vice is neither fatuity nor decadence. It is deceit.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“They call it beauty and I see it everywhere: probably the most abundant resource. It glides on air, floats on water, and crawls on land. I cherish it in things as well as in people: on their bodies and in their souls. Bodily beauty is alluring. But that of character exudes love. Now, look around and feel the way I do. Appreciate the beauteous grace in all you see.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Beauty must be internal to be meaningful, because the dirtiest organs of the body are internal.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Reclusion is a blessing. It shields one from the stupidities our world recycles.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The best way to appreciate what you have is by visiting a hospital. Look around there, and you will acknowledge your good fortunes. Needless to mention that not all the babies who were born on the same day as you were, are still alive now.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Joy enriches in ways which sorrow cannot afford; but sorrow educates in a manner that joy could not.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Disappointment is a tireless traveler who crosses our paths every now and then.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Sadness today doesn’t mean that happiness is impossible tomorrow. Circumvent that gloom by emulating the moon: turn a bright face in your darkest hour.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Education prepares you for work; intelligence prepares you for life.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Knowledge is the most tenable of all acquisitions. It decides how ideas flow when we interact with one another. Now, consider emulating my madness. Talk to trees. I do it because they will outlive me. When I’m gone, whoever wishes to read my biography should accomplish one task: chat with trees.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Among the realities of life is the fact that this world can never be devoid of fools. The only remedy is to tolerate them.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Patriotism degenerates to deceit when leaders and political elites become corrupt, selfish, and dishonest.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Respect people based on what they stood for, what they worked for and what they duly earned. Not for the titles and accolades showered upon them by sycophants.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“History is the best novel out there. Only in it would you find the most fascinating facts and fictions.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Advances in science portray man as civilized. But whenever the flashlights focus on wars and debauchery, we realize how depraved man really is.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“If killing someone you don’t know, and whom you just met is a crime, then, waging war is the ultimate crime: not just that tiny part of it which we refer to as war-crime.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Not changing your mind does not imbue wisdom. Not compromising your principles does.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Smirks and sarcasms confer greater self-awareness than flatteries and sycophancies.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“You won’t discover your ingenuity by going to school; you discover it by pursuing your passion.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Nations thrive on positive influence. Any government which does not instill positivity into the denizens has failed.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Fame could be achieved in many ways, but immortality is through one way: being good.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“In a world where you can be anything or even everything you dream to be, it makes no sense to restrict your acumen to either liberalism or conservatism. That is political myopia. Spread your wings, instead, across the horizon. Adhere to good wherever you find it; and abhor evil regardless of its origin.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“If politicians are really interested in serving you as they claim, then, why do they campaign, fight, and go to great lengths to achieve that? How many of them ever campaigned to help you clean your home? Do you really believe that someone who dodged military service at the age of 25 and quickly retired from ordinary job at 65 is interested in serving you now that he is 70? Well, if politicians are truly keen to serve their fatherland, then, some of them who lost elections should return to their villages and assist farmers in growing crops. Of course, such an effort to feed your nation is an honorable way to serve.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Being educated may bring you honors and accolades. But learning is much more rewarding. It guarantees fulfillment, and would set you on a pedestal from which you will never fall.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“To understand the universe, the entire arts and sciences must be ascertained, combined and evaluated.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The secrets of beauty can only be revealed by those who understand ugliness.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“One world, the same humanity, but with two parallels: angels and demons.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The most disheartening progress humans have made is that we’ve gone from wielding battleaxes to detonating atomic bombs.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The more stupid our world gets, the farther away I recoil from democracy. Commonsense declines whenever and wherever fools gain majority.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Guidance is the only apparel which is not seasonal. We always need it.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Whoever mingles with you in winter deserves your affection in summer.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Army and police shield us from invaders; but cleaners safeguard us from our own dirts. Indeed, some heroes don’t wear capes.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The legal clause ‘innocent until proven guilty’ is just an utopian sarcasm. If not; then, why must suspects be remanded in custody, adorn jailhouse uniforms, and are subjected to the same prison rules as convicted felons while their cases are still being processed, and the courts have not yet found them guilty?”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Justice has no meaning unless it is based on truth. For this reason, whoever testifies or provides evidence in a law court should do so on sworn oaths: and this must include lawyers.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“From customs to cultures, rituals to religions; traditions are among the most wondrous of all ancient wonders. In spite of how educated, wealthy or highly placed we become, we always find ways of returning to them. And having spent substantial time in every continent of the world, my eyefuls often leave me pondering on these basic questions: What exactly is tradition? How did it evolve? And why do societies go to great lengths to perpetuate theirs? Perhaps, man is just a mobile tree with traditions as his roots.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“We claim to be the most civilized species. And to buttress that, we developed cultures which imbue us with all the courtesies of cleanliness. As children we learnt that hand-washing after using the toilet is ideal. But as adults we relegate all hygienic protocols to the doves. Oral sex is a contradictory pleasure. A tincture of filth and cannibalism! It is hard to fathom what animals would tell us: if only they could talk. But in the absence of that we delude ourselves with any illusory elation imaginable.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“What adults do in their bedrooms is not my business. Homosexual euphoria is not my preoccupation. I live in a world where millions of children starve. It is absurd that homosexuality is the top human rights issue in such a world. Our so-called human rights advocates prioritize sex over food. Eight of the world’s ten fastest growing economies were in Africa. Notwithstanding, President Barack Obama of USA made homosexuality his priority during his African trip in June 2013. It is a shame that those who call themselves world leaders are unaware that a child who lacks food lacks the most basic human right.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Science is non-mystical religion whose priests include theists and atheists alike. The three sacraments are physics, chemistry and biology; whereas their parables are written in the universal language of maths.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“A quest for knowledge is the first step in becoming rich. This earth, our solar system, galaxy, and the entire universe are based on the principles of equilibrium. This explains why matter and energy have always transposed without any net loss. From enthalpies to adiabatics, our universe was intelligently designed for maximum efficiency. Whoever understands these is one step closer to knowing God. Nature is the ultimate gift from God, and Mathematics is the ultimate gift of nature. It holds more truths than any other thing. Religion is a vault of mysteries whose secrets give life its flavors. Cosmic Mathematics is the alley which links Science to Religion.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Science is like history. It is riddled with copious amounts of truths, half-truths and lies. The Evolution Theory, as currently rendered, is the most farcical lie in science. One does not need to dig deeply in order to excavate the rotten smelly fallacies, which we applaud as a great idea. The biggest and the most expensive experiments ever conducted were all based on Evolution and its associated Big Bang Theory. All of them were indubitable failures. All of them made mockeries of both the efforts and the resources which were invested in them.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The goal of science is to establish facts, not myths. Whether it deploys theories, hypotheses, laws, or a combination of them, this goal remains unchanged. The Evolution Theory, as presently portrayed, lacks credibility. It is doused in spoofs; and thus, unworthy of any serious attention. Evolution is the only science without a laboratory. Its proponents cleverly avoided labs by substituting with museums. But do not be deceived. Labs are where truths and proofs are meticulously pursued. Museums are where tales and myths are leisurely told. The difference is clear. I need not say more.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“As inhabitants of this world, every day should be our earth’s day. Going green is not just about saving this beautiful planet. Most of our foods originate from green plants. As a scientist, I will add that green is the most appealing color to the human eye. Research regarding the visible spectrum of electromagnetic radiations have consistently confirmed this. So, it was not by accident that green’s wavelength puts it in the middle of that spectrum. What is more! With so many energy alternatives and waste recycling methods available to us today, it costs nothing but good manners to maintain a healthy environment.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Time is one concept that leaves me wondering all the time. It is described by orbiting planets, which explains why the yearly seasons are so regular. As a child, I learned by imitation and faith. But as an adult, I focused on research and experiment. Then, I realized that the greatest tragedy of science is the illusion of accuracy. That is why I adore mathematics. Math is the home of accuracy, the soul of precision, and the parlance of a perfect God.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“In a world where a year specialized in twelve months; a month in four weeks; and a week in seven days; it is foolhardy to restrict one’s abilities to only one thing. Hence, I will define an expert as a fool who limited his abilities to just one thing.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Sensible people are not those who made discoveries in arts and sciences. They are those who understand the importance of being heedful. Their simplicity is gracious, and so are their exemplary ways of expressing love. We should strive to emulate them because they are rich. They have everything which money cannot buy.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Whenever unusual things happen legitimate insinuations arise. It could be sadly argued that immediately the RMS Titanic set sail from Southampton, its entire value, including cargoes and over 1500 souls on board, equaled that of a simple binoculars. Terrible!”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“I am happy not because I’m rich. I rejoice in poverty because it has free gifts. Beauty is the most bountiful thing on earth. It is open and free. Whoever cares to look will relish it. There are beautiful people everywhere. There are beautiful landscapes everywhere. Where there are no castles there are caves. Where there are no mountains there are valleys. And where there are no forests there are deserts. Sadness and joy are the estuaries of life. But amidst their confluence lies satisfaction. Satisfaction is the optimal island between the two. And, it outlasts both by far.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Love-making is an underrated phrase. Few people experience it. Others just have sex. The dichotomy of love and sex was blurred, because we live in a world where sex is cheaper than love. I would rather be lovely than sexy. Love is the only software which every heart runs.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Smooching all night is easy. It is even easier to kiss and tell. But what is love? How grand is its imperial empire? Why do dreams clamor for it? How come obsessions exude it? Is romance the only statue which exhales lust? Is that why it remains volatile? Is human love an alloy of emotions? Is that why it could be used and abused?”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The only way to offer mockery as charity is to get fools involved.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“More often than not, human justice is tainted by perversions whose chromosomal aberrations are malignant. A court of law is not necessarily a place where justice prevails. It is a solemn forum on which even truths stand accused.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“It is pointless to worry over an inevitable nightfall which must engulf our day. Do not worry about the future. Be curious about it. Curiosity in all forms and functions is subtler than anxiety.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The eyes of children are prettier than flowers. Their wealth of information is immeasurable. I peer into them whenever I can, because in them lay all that is absent from our libraries. They are the best tool with which any society could be gauged.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Time is truly of essence. It is existence. The interval in which all things manifest: the distance between birth and death. In order to understand life, one must understand time. Everything revolves around it. It is the fastest concept I know. Even the speed of light is equated to it. Experiences are nothing but an accumulation of good and bad times. That is why birds sing and mourn, ants work and rest, and flowers blossom and wither. Time is the ultimate boss. It imposes schedules on kings and queens; and compels everyone else to follow routines.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Life is a wild horse which we must learn to ride. I am happy not because my gallops are good. I smile aware that my confidence lies in hope. Hope fosters expectation; and expectations are what future is made of. The experiments of nature are called fate. If the outcome is favorable, it becomes good luck. Otherwise, it is all back to hope. Hope is the real director of life. We work in hopes of earning a living.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The sun is smarter than man. It is the richest force in our solar system. But instead of oppressing the lesser planets which gravitate around it, it warms them, feeds them, and literally enlightens them. Imagine a world where fortunate folks are half as benevolent. In it, those vile parodies which fuel internecine strifes would have no reason to exist. The sun has no degree in law or administration; yet, it remains an embodiment of good leadership.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Emotion is like alcohol. Okay in moderation; deplorable in excess. If you let it govern your mind, you lose your senses. Your wisdom becomes relegated; and your thoughts are mortgaged.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“If experience is the best teacher, then, who is the best student? Ambition and Imagination are great learners. But, nothing beats Curiosity. It is the most accomplished of all students. Always enterprising, whoever befriends Curiosity will relish a lifetime of fervid learning.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Nature is like a wild dream. It is pretty, untamed, and full of riddles. Over the centuries, scholars have tunneled through it without finding its tail-light. The unknowns far outnumber the knowns. Some of the things we presumed to have understood turned-out to be incorrect. Nature must be the most complex puzzle of all. It mocks our minds. It specified no formula for love and no theory for happiness. Yet, love and happiness remain its most precious gifts.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Life is colorful. Each day is a color band. Blending the shades reflects our daily struggles. How characters develop depend on what we create.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Nations are projects designed by laws and built by patriotism. But patriotism is inferior to love much in the same way as laws are inferior to truths. That is why our allegiance should go to mankind, and not to a section of it. I desire no honor and need no ornament. I am contented with having chums who understand me. The flaws in laws are what made this world unfair.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Future has no pleasure which the past is unaware of. So, if you crave leisure, turn to history and hear the stories of everything. But if you wish to explore, employ mathematics; since its truths are unmitigated.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Penury is a leech which liquefies a man while he still breathes. It is the most destructive problem in our world: responsible for avoidable deaths, destitution, prostitution, and various delinquencies. To save a life requires health care; but to live a life includes everything else.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Dusk and dawn define a fine day. If the sunrise offers you love through light and warmth, and the sunset grants you peace through slumber and recuperation, how could you claim to have had a bad day?”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Progress is a journey of patience, whose paths include tact and resolve. Therefore, set your goals and pursue your dreams: using one functional gear—forward.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“As life’s commuters we die each night only to be reborn at morning. The joy of life is love. But love deserts those who bask in hate.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Some say that honesty is an expensive gift, which should not be expected from cheap people. My opinion is that honesty is neither the prerogative of the rich nor of the poor. It is not expensive. It is a principle which everybody can afford, but which some selfishly withhold. Trust is what I consider expensive. A poor stranger may decide to be honest with you; but, it is ill-advised to trust another stranger just because he or she is rich.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“In a world which thrives on deceits, truths have only one refuge: our conscience. The bane of rectitude lies in manifestation. All men preach probity; but only in conscientious men does it manifest.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Even castles contradict. Their massive walls are not fortresses for the brave. Rather, they seduce as palaces with the same aura as they mutate into prisons.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Love is not built with hugs and kisses. It is built with kindness, roofed with empathy, and furnished with dedication.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Nature is future. There is no greater joy than love. A life full of love, and nature dotted with beauties are the most desirable of all possessions. One needs not be rich to enjoy both.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Intellectual ambidexterity connotes two qualities: brain and heart. An agile mind coupled with a pious soul is unassailable.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“I would rather spill my thoughts than compile my life’s stories. Biography is what fate and society have thrown at you. Thoughts on the other hand, are your journeys through the oceans of dreams, the forests of aspirations, and the deserts of reality.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Religion is a rare gem. Many subscribe to it; yet, only a few embody it.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Lawyers and prostitutes exemplify soul traders. Their consciences are often sold to the highest bidder.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“While kissing frogs may be crucial towards finding your prince, bear in mind that zoonosis might be part of the bargain.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Be chary even while merry, because failure just like paralysis could be partial, total, reversible or irreversible.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Earth is ours only for as long as we live. Upon our deaths the reverse becomes the case.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Maths are scientific prophecies. They are the only narratives whose bases are entirely true.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Life has four wildernesses: arts, science, religion and business; which are analogous to earth’s cardinal points: east, west, north and south. No human activity, whether grand or petty, is possible beyond the boundaries of those four. To enjoy life, our mastery of arts and business may be enough. But to understand life, we must include science and religion.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Science and Religion are bedfellows. Both are privileged, infinite, and assertive. Philosophy is the armor-vest of Religion; Mathematics is that of Science. The more Science tries to unveil the logics of life, the more Religion shrouds life’s mysteries. The reason why Science cannot unravel all the mechanics of the universe is because Religion withholds its secrets. It takes an unassuming researcher to understand that Philosophical theorems are no respecter of Mathematical facts and figures.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“The greatest scientist that ever lived is Isaac Newton. He believed in God. The greatest mathematician who ever lived is Leonhard Euler. He believed in God. The greatest experimenter in the entire history of science is Michael Faraday. He believed in God. The greatest engineer is Nikola Tesla. He too believed in God. If science is a religion, Newton would be its supreme pontiff, Euler would be its ecclesiastic seer, Faraday would be its episcopal scribe, and Tesla would be its Jesuit ambassador. From mathematics to physics; and from chemistry to biology, the greatest minds of all, submitted wholeheartedly to God. This fact alone renders any atheistic claim of science invalid and irrelevant.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Time could be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided with only three integers: past, present and future.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“All the other sciences combined are not just dependent on mathematics. They are half as good, and only a quarter as accurate.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“Atheism is dead. Truth killed it. Science buried it. I recorded the funeral.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“I have always heard that nothing is perfect; but never believed a word of it. Each time I open my math books, I realize that I have opened the doors of perfection. Mathematics is the most accurate tool I know. It is the oxygen which science breathes. The laws of science govern our universe. But it is mathematics that governs the laws of science. Only maths decide whether scientific theories live or die. And after evaluating their true worth, I realized that mathematics are words of God.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

“If God is a mathematical equation, I would have solved it. There is no denying the fact that ionizing radiations like the x-rays, gamma rays, and the alpha particles are here with us. But have you ever seen them, heard them, touched them, felt them, or even smelt their presence? Yet, they still exist! I am not obsessed with religion. I believe in God. As a scientist, I pity those who think that they can blink and see all things that exist.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi

Science makes it possible to See, Conceive, Imagine, Envisage, Notice, Conceptualize, and Express our right and wrong ideas. Similarly, Mathematics enables us to evaluate some of the Most Awkward Things Humans Enumerate, Master, Author, Teach, Invoke, Connote and Study.”
—- Valentine Oduenyi